Runneth My Mouth For You

Runneth My Mouth For You

My Royal Ramblings By Lady Gertrude 

If thou art able… Imagine for a moment that you hath been alive for over 300 years.  While I am delighted to hath been immortalized forever in portraiture, I hath had the disheartening experience of seeing humanity’s ongoing fuckery.  They say things hath changed quite a bit but… I believe there is a saying about it.. How doth it go again? Oh yes… “The more things change, the more they stay the same”.  Or, even more simplified; “History repeats itself”

If it hadn’t hath been for mine “dinner parties”, I dare say I would have lit mine-self ablaze centuries ago.  While some of them are daft, most are quite enjoyable guests to keep company with in our dreary hallways.  Currently negotiating with the museum curator to be hung in the Depp/Turd court room.  It is safe to say those portraits hath had their fair turn…. Tis what she proclaimed.

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